记得刚接触ORACLE的时候,有人给我讲了个故事。他说他在第一次看到ORACLE7的时候,当时叫做ORACLE universal server,翻译成汉语就叫做ORACLE通用服务器,他的第一反应是ORACLE宇宙服务器。然后他说,等你以后明白为什么叫做宇宙服务器了,你就大概了解ORACLE数据库库了。
现在我接触这个东西都两年多了,也算是对这个东西有所了解了,逐渐体会到所谓宇宙服务器的含义。CS模式兴起的时候,ORACLE给数据库也加一个客户端。网络走红的时候,就干脆把数据库服务器当作web服务器来用,网页就干脆是数据库里的一堆存储过程。一直到现在的apex(application express),都是走的这个思路,著名的Ask tom就是用这个东西做的。搜索热门的时候,ORACLE7就集成了全文检索和多媒体检索功能,说白了就是在数据库里建立几张表来做索引,进行检索。到了搜索引擎时代,ORACLE AS 里就集成了搜索引擎的功能,而这个功能说白了也就是在数据库里建了几张表,进行全文检索。更不要提JAVA,在JAVA大紫大红的年代,ORACLE就把JAVA直接装入数据库,让JAVA程序员可以用JAVA来写存储过程。当然了,还有PRO C,PRO COBOL...一系列装载在数据库里的编程语言。
于是,ORACLE 8i 集成了空间数据库(ORACLE Spatial)来存储空间信息。ORACLE 9i把XML数据作为原生的本地数据库。10g又进一步增强了很多应用方面的功能。到了11g我们已经能存储真三维数据和在数据库里做web service了,更不要说那些OLAP,BI,DM方面的功能,感觉什么功能都具备了,什么东西都可以放在数据库里(这个感觉很像星际之门亚特兰迪斯里远古人的那个超大超强的database)。
理所当然的,我第一次听见OEL (ORACLE enterprise LINUX)的时候,我的感觉就是这是个装在数据库里的操作系统,第一次听见BTRFS的时候,我认为这是个装在数据库里的文件系统,而ORACLE AS,那种从数据库里强行扒出来的感觉更是让人印象深刻。
因此,在ORACLE公司看来,Database is the core of universe.
When using ORACLE database firstly , my manger told me a story. His colleague called oracle universal server to oracle universe server by mistake, when playing ORACLE database version 7. And he told me that whether understanding why the databasewas called universe server is the key to study oracle database.
Now,i have used this serveral years. To some extent,i am a pre expert in this field. I begin to understand what's the universe server mean. When c/s patten began, Oracle would add a client to the database server. When net era was coming, the database server had been used as a web server.Indeed, the web page was sereral procedures in DB. Now as the son of OWA, application express continue this thinking.The most famous website of dba in oracle field--asktom was completed by this tool.When searching technology was in fashion,Oracle intigrate text searching and multimedia searching technology in database.Of course,the logo of ORACLE database should be add "JAVA inside" label,which means java could be used to write procedure in DB.
Further,ORACLE combine spatial database to ORACLE DB. At the same time, they extend DB to store XML data as a native XML database.And now , we could store the real 3D data and build web service on database,besides powerful OLAP,BI and DM functions.My feeling is everything could be stored in Database, that like the super database of the ancients in stargate atlantis.
Naturally,I thinked the OEL as a operation system in database and the BTRFS as a file system in database when finding them firstly. The feeling of ORACLE AS was generated from ORACLE database was impressive.
So, for ORACLE company, database is the core of universe.
2D 渲染管线的一点优化
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